Professor Eric Hoyt has been busy. In the span of a week, two projects he spearheaded, Lantern and Project Arclight, have received an award and a grant, respectively. The award comes from the Society for …
CA 155 Celebrates Outstanding Student Work with the Hoyty Awards
On the last day of lecture this semester, students in Eric Hoyt’s CA 155: Intro to Digital Media Production course walked out of the freezing cold and into an awards show. The first-ever Hoyty Awards …
Thank you, Maxine Ducey
After a brilliant 34 year career as the Head Film Archivist at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research, Maxine Ducey is retiring effective January 2, 2014. With consummate skill and unwavering professionalism, Maxine …
Filmmaker Jill Soloway Visits Her Alma Mater
On Thursday, November 14th, Communications Arts alumni Jill Soloway and Jim Frohna visited campus for the screening of the feature film Afternoon Delight. The film was the debut feature for both writer/director Soloway and cinematographer …
Alumni Survey Results
The Communication Arts Department would like to thank all of our alumni who completed the survey last spring. Committed to continuing our tradition of excellence, the Communication Arts Department values input from our alumni as …
Welcome CAPs
The Department was pleased to welcome the Communication Arts Partners (CAPs) back to campus during the recent Homecoming weekend (October 11-12). The CAPs group consists of generous spirited alumni and emeritus faculty who have formed …
Producing Tomorrow’s Producers
This story originally appeared in the Vilas Voice. Twenty-six years—and plenty of tv series, movies and scripts—later, Jill Soloway (B.A.’87) still remembers the profound influence of her semester in the capstone production course, Comm Arts …
WCFTR Head Archivist Position Available
Position:Head Film Archivist, Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research The University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks an experienced moving imagearchivist to oversee the film and video collections of the Wisconsin Centerfor Film and Theater Research (WCFTR) …
Lea Jacobs Named Graduate School Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities
Lea Jacobs, a film professor in Communication Arts, has been named Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities in the Graduate School. As one of the associate deans, she will manage faculty and student issues …
NHPRC Grant Project
The Department of Communication Arts Chair and WCFTR Director Vance Kepley is very pleased to announce the successful completion of a major, year-long effort to systematically reprocess one of the Center’s most important archival collections. …