Associate Professor in Rhetoric Robert Glenn Howard and his Comm Arts 610: Folklore in a Digital Age course is featured in a news article on UW-Madison’s campus news page in an article by Kiera Wiatrak titled “Restructured folklore …
Professor Louise Mares Featured in On Wisconsin
Department of Communication Arts Assistant Professor in Communication Science Louise Mares was featured in the Summer 2009 issue of On Wisconsin, UW-Madison’s magazine for alumni and friends. Mares discusses her research into “prosocial” television that is actually beneficial to …
Alumnus Joey Garfield Directs New Visa Advertisement
Joey Garfield (Comm Arts, ’92) recently directed Visa’s new advertisement “Flow” (2009) which has been released in Europe. The ad marks the second collaboration between Joey and artist Bill Shannon, a performer with a rare hip disability who relies …
Students & Staff Collaborate on WI Film Festival TV Spot
Department of Communication Arts students and staff recently collaborated to create the new TV spot for the 2009 Wisconsin Film Festival (April 2 – 5). The ad was a collaborative project between: Comm Arts Faculty Associate Erik Gunneson Comm Arts …
Alumnus Lisa Heller Honored at 81st Academy Awards
At the 81st Academy Awards Ceremony on February 22, 2009, Director Megan Mylan won an Oscar for Best Documentary Short Subject for her documentary Smile Pinki (2008). In her acceptance speech, she noted: “Documentary, like all filmmaking, is a complete …
Alumnus Shawn VanCour Wins Outstanding Dissertation Award
The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) has named Comm Arts alumnus Shawn VanCour the recipient of the 19th annual Kenneth Harwood Outstanding Dissertation Award. Established in 1955, the BEA is a professional association for professors, industry professionals …
Alumnus Stuart Bass Wins Emmy
Congratulations to Stuart Bass (Comm Arts, ’78), an accomplished freelance film editor for his outstanding accomplishment in the field of television editing. Bass won a Primetime Emmy Award from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences at the 60th …
Walter Mirisch Publishes Autobiography
Walter Mirisch’s (History, ’42) autobiography, I Thought We Were Making Movies, Not History, provides a unique insider’s view of the film industry though the life and experiences of an industry giant whose name is synonymous with …
Hollywood Badgers Featured in On Wisconsin
The Hollywood Badgers, a group founded in 2005 by Comm Arts alumni Lesley Feinstein (Comm Arts, ’03) and Mary Rohlich (Comm Arts, ’03), were featured in the Fall 2008 issue of On Wisconsin, UW-Madison’s magazine for alumni …
Awards to Communication Arts Faculty
Congratulations to award-winning Communication Arts colleagues Susan Zaeske and Kelley Conway. Dean Gary Sandefur has announced that Professor Susan Zaeske (pictured at right) was selected to receive a Hamel Family Faculty Fellowship. Ten such awards were made …