Producing Tomorrow’s Producers

This story originally appeared in the Vilas Voice.  Twenty-six years—and plenty of tv series, movies and scripts—later, Jill Soloway (B.A.’87) still remembers the profound influence of her semester in the capstone production course, Comm Arts …

WCFTR Head Archivist Position Available

Position:Head Film Archivist, Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research The University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks an experienced moving imagearchivist to oversee the film and video collections of the Wisconsin Centerfor Film and Theater Research (WCFTR) …

NHPRC Grant Project

The Department of Communication Arts Chair and WCFTR Director Vance Kepley is very pleased to announce the successful completion of a major, year-long effort to systematically reprocess one of the Center’s most important archival collections. …

Kelly Jakes Wins Dana-Allen Fellowship

Each year, the Institute for Research in the Humanities awards the Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellowship to exceptional doctoral dissertators in the humanities at UW-Madison. This year, Comm Arts PhD student Kelly Jakes is one of the …

Congratulations Comm Arts Graduates!

You’ve worked hard, played hard, and studied harder. You’ve trekked across the Humanities bridge on icy mornings, heading for lectures in 4070. You’ve turned in your final papers and taken your final exams. It’s time …

An Evening with Errol Morris

On Thursday, May 16th at 6:00pm in Union South’s Marquee Theater, Errol Morris will present a special screening of his Academy Award-winning documentary The Fog of War. The screening will be followed by a Q&A session and a …