
Net Neutrality

UW Comm Arts alumn Stuart Brotman recently co-authored an article on this issue.  Net neutrality is set to move into the headlines as the new FCC Open Internet Rules, in effect since November, begin to …

To Our December 2011 Graduates

Congratulations to all you Communication Arts majors graduating this semester!  More than 60 of you will receive your diploma on Sunday, and we in the department want to recognize your achievement and wish you well with …

Where to Sit at the Movies

Comm Arts faculty alumns David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson were recently featured in Roger Ebert’s Journal on the topic of where critics and scholars habitually sit at the movies. Ebert also heaps praise on their collective …

CAPS Come to Town

Everyone needs friends.  The Communication Arts Department is lucky to have a distinguished group of them, known as CAPS, or Communication Arts Partners.  Some are alumni of the UW, some are current and former faculty; …