Alicen Rushevics

Rhetoric, Politics, & Culture

Teaching Assistant



6053 Vilas Hall

Alicen Rushevics


  • Mondays 1:00-2:00 PM, Thursdays 3:00-4:00 PM, and by appointment

Ali is a PhD candidate in Rhetoric, Politics, & Culture in the Department of Communication Arts. Her research focuses on rhetorics of trauma, wounding, and grief, and how they affect the mobility and formation of individual and national bodies. Her current research centers around questions of identity and mediations between nation, culture, and individual; coalitional activism, particularly the use of subversive media in writing over erasure; and affective relationships among history, memory, and storytelling, specifically how they implicate past and ongoing trauma. 


  • M.A. Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2022
  • M.A. Philosophy, Gonzaga University, 2020
  • B.A. Communication Studies and Philosophy, Gonzaga University, 2018



CA 100 – Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2022)

CA 373 – Intercultural Communication & Rhetoric (Summer 2022)

Teaching Assistant

CA 200 – Introduction to Digital Communication (Spring 2021)

CA 260 – Communication & Human Behavior (Fall 2022)

CA 262 – Theory & Practice of Argumentation and Debate (Fall 2020)

CA 360 – Introduction to Rhetoric in Politics & Culture (Fall 2021)

CA 370 – Great Speakers & Speeches (Spring 2023)


CA 316 – Gender and Communication (Spring 2021/Summer 2021)

CA 360 – Introduction to Rhetoric in Politics & Culture (Summer 2021)

CA 371 – Communication & Conflict Resolution (Summer 2022)

CA 377 – Global Technologies & Digital Culture (Spring 2023)

CA 476 – Nature of Criticism: The Public Arts of Communication (Fall 2022)


Book Reviews

Rushevics, Alicen. Violent Exceptions: Children’s Human Rights and Humanitarian Rhetorics. Quarterly Journal of Speech.

Rushevics, Alicen. Humans R Social Media. The Communication and Theater Association of Minnesota Journal.


“You Don’t Fit: Resisting Necropolitical Morbidity Rhetorics through Fat Livability as Radical Queer Existence.” RSA UW Milwaukee Graduate Student Symposium¸ Milwaukee, WI. December 2022.

“Survivance-based Vulnerability: MMIW and Rosalie Fish.” NCA, New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2022.

“’Unspoken Traumas of the Past’: Instagram, Indigenous Activism, and the Shared Histories of North American Indigenous Genocide.” NCA, New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2022.

“Indigenous Activism, Gender Performance, and TikTok.” Emerging Femininities and Masculinities Conference, Athens, Greece. September 2022.

“’Maybe they’re great, and maybe they’re just good. Maybe they’re not so good’: Mask Discourses and Neoliberal Rationality in Trump’s Presidential COVID-19 Briefings.” RSA, Baltimore, MD. May 2022.

“Navigating War: The Rhetorical Femininity of Sigrid Schultz.” RSA UW Student Chapter Symposium, Virtual. April 2022.

“Scarring Trauma: Individualized Participation and Affectivity of National Trauma at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.” Central States Communication Association Conference, Madison, WI. March 2022.

“Articulating Grief: The Rhetorical Leadership of the American Presidency in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.” NCA, Seattle, WA. November 2021. (Public Address)

“Intersections of the Embodied Subject.” Northwest Philosophy Conference, Pacific University, Forrest Grove, OR. October 2019.

“Healing the American Wound: Reparation through Recognition.” Concerned Philosophers for Peace Conference, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO. October 2019.

“Healing the American Trauma: Reparation through Recognition.” Ethnicity Race Indigenous Peoples Conference, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. September 2019.

“Feminist Interpretations of Merleau-Ponty’s Subjectivity as a Foundation for Radical Transformation.” Gonzaga University Graduate Philosophy Conference, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. April 2019.


Helen K. Herman Award, 2022
In recognition of excellence in research, teaching and extra-curricular activities. Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Graduate Research Travel Grant, 2022
The Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-Madison