Sarah Edwards

Media and Cultural Studies

Teaching Assistant



2151 Vilas Hall

Expertise and Activities

Sarah is a PhD candidate in Media and Cultural Studies whose research focuses on the social media entertainment industry, branding, platforms, and globalization. Her dissertation examines the technologies of production and imagination of the nation-state in the era of social media entertainment to consider how practices like influencer marketing, industrial actors like intermediaries and infomediaries, and platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok have been leveraged not only as tools used to shape nation brands and consumer-citizens’ subjectivities, but also as technologies used to construct broader national and transnational formations.


  • M.A. Cultural Anthropology, North Carolina State University, 2019
  • B.A. Sociology and Anthropology, Warren Wilson College, 2016

Research Positions


  • Forthcoming, 2024. “Creator Economies and Labor Precarity.” In The Handbook of Technology, Media, and Democracy, edited by Robyn Caplan, Philip Napoli, and Ken Rogerson.
  • 2022. “Branded Dreams, Boss Babes: Influencer Retreats and the Cultural Logics of the Influencer Para-Industry.” Social Media+Society,
  • 2018. With Ben Feinberg. “Are We (Still) the World? Service Learning and the Weird Slot in Student Narratives of Study Abroad.” In Cosmopolitanism and Tourism: Rethinking Theory and Practice, edited by Robert Shepherd.


  • CA 100–Introduction to Speech Composition
  • CA 250–Survey of Contemporary Media
  • CA 346–Critical Internet Studies
  • CA 359–Sports Media (Grader)


  • Founding Member, Content Creator Scholars Network
  • George Foster Peabody Awards Screening Committee, Radio and Podcasting Category, 2024
  • The Velvet Light Trap
    • Managing Editor, 2023-24 (Volume 94, Creative Labor and Precarity)
    • University of Texas Press Liaison, 2020-21 (Volume 88, Nonfiction Media)
    • Editorial Board Member, 2019-Present
  • Media and Cultural Studies Representative, Graduate Student Organization, 2021-22
