Your Contribution
Your gift will make a difference in new Departmental initiatives: technological improvements, speakers, scholarships and awards, special events, and career mentoring. Thank you for your support of the Communication Arts Department.
Make a Donation to Comm Arts Online
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Communication Arts Department using a secure server, please use the Communication Arts donation pages on the University of Wisconsin Foundation website. These pages can be found under the fund descriptions below:
Comm Arts Annual Fund
These funds enable the department, through its chair and executive faculty committee, to allocate funds where they are most needed: to support students traveling to a special event, to help recruit and retain the best faculty, to pay for that new digital editing suite, to help equip our classrooms, to keep up our media library, and a wide range of other activities. With state support declining, departments increasingly rely on such discretionary funds.
Communication Arts Internship Support Fund
One of the most important experiences a Comm Arts undergraduate can have is an internship, to apply knowledge, build skills, and develop career opportunities. Your gifts to this fund help students to be able to take unpaid internships, often in distant places, that otherwise they could not afford.
Communication Arts Internship Support Fund
Digital Studies Fund
This fund supports courses designated as part of the rapidly growing Digital Studies Certificate, as well as faculty with critical expertise in this area. Contributions to this fund help maintain the department’s leadership in this constantly evolving area.
Nietzchka Keene Memorial Fund
Named after Comm Arts professor and filmmaker Nietzchka Keene, who passed away in 2004. This fund helps support production projects and enables awards to be given for the best production work each year.
UW Cinematheque (Friends of Film)
Representing UW-Madison academic departments and student film groups, UW Cinematheque is dedicated to showcasing the best in international cinema history and fine films which would otherwise never reach Madison screens. Contributions help to defray the costs of projection, rental fees, and shipping so that we can mount ambitious programs that are truly international in scope.
Wisconsin Film Festival (Real Butter Fund)
Founded in 1999, the Festival presents an average of 150 film screenings over 8 days every spring. The Festival is known for its diverse film offerings. Categories include American independent, international cinema, and documentaries. Your contributions support all areas of Festival operations.
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research
Your contributions support our work collecting, preserving, and making available to researchers significant materials in film, video, broadcasting, and theater.
Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research
The UW Foundation accepts Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Thank you for your donation!
Please contact:
Marit Barkve
Director of Development